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Conference program

Opera and Popular Culture After 1900


Note: All Events take place in the Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center, Texas Christian University

Friday, February 7                                    


8:00am            Registration and Refreshments


8:30am            Welcome and Opening Announcements


8:45am            Opera and Television I: Highbrow/Lowbrow (Chair: William Gibbons)


                         "The Universality of Opera in The Simpsons"

                                   Annelise Smith

                         "Making Overtures: Opera in Recent Television Commercials"

                                   Peter Kupfer

9:45am             Break


10:00am          Opera and Television 2: Narrative Television (Chair: Katia Lanuza)


                          "The Operatic Excess of Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events"

                                    Samantha Heinle

                          "Placido Flamingo as Popular Culture: Understanding Opera on Sesame Street"

                                    Megan Steigerwald

                           "The Romantic Nightingale: Jenny Lind in Film"

                                    Gina Bombola


11:30am          Lunch (on your own)


1:00pm            Contemporary Perspectives (Chair: Kristen Turner)


                         "Grand Opera, Musical Brothel: COMUS’s Nightbloom and the Innovation of Canadian Opera"

                                   Colleen Renihan

                         "Convention, Coloniality and Popular Culture in William Kentridge, The Head & the Load"

                                    Juliana M. Pistorius

                         "Madama Butterfly in Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture"

                                   Kunio Hara


2:30pm            Break            


2:45pm            Opera and Television 3: Televised Opera (Chair: Hye-jung Park)


                        "Parodies of Race and Genre in George Gershwin’s Televised 135th Street (1953)"

                                   Allison Chu 

                        "Television-Operas as Cold-War Entertainment: Walter Felsenstein's Productions of

                         Fidelio (1956) and Otello (1969)"

                                   Frank Heidelberger


3:45pm             Break


4:00pm            Keynote Address (Gina Bombola, Moderator)


                          "Engaging Opera as Popular Culture and Social Justice" 

                                    Naomi André

5:00pm            Reception for Registered Conference Attendees


7:00pm            Yeltsin in Texas!

                          World Premiere, TCU Opera Studio

                          (Complementary Ticket Included with Registration)


Saturday, February 8


8:30am            Coffee and Light Refreshments


9:00am           The Early Twentieth Century (Chair: Stuart Cheney)


                         "'Fantôme dans la vie': Chaliapin, Ibert, and Pabst's Adventures of Don Quixote"

                                   Keith Clifton

                         "Opera in the Silent Cinema: New Findings from Archival Sources"

                                   Kendra Preston Leonard


10:00am          Break


10:15am           Science Fiction (Chair: Jacob Collins)


                         "Space Opera: Alienation and Colonialism in Sci-Fi Regietheater"

                                   Micaela Baranello

                         "Space Operas, Opera Spaces, and Musical (In)Humanity in the Star Trek Universe"

                                   William Gibbons

                         "Setting Atwood's Dystopian Sound World in The Handmaid's Tale

                                    Sherston Johnson

11:45am          Roundtable Lunch Conversation (Moderator: Kristen Turner)                     

1:00pm           American Opera in the Early Twentieth Century (Chair: Tim Watkins)


                        "'Now is the time for the Americanization of Opera': Operatic Fare as Democratizing Social Force on the

                        Redpath Chautauqua Circuits, 1908­–1928"

                                  Cody Norling

                        "Black Opera Singers and White Vaudeville in the Shadow of Jim Crow"

                                  Kristen Turner 


2:00pm          Break

2:15pm            Opera in the Digital Age (Chair: Jeongwon Joe)

                        "Opera at the Movies: Understanding the Impact of the Simulcast Experience"

                                  Justin Mueller

                        "Opera Goes Viral, Obviously: Operatic Novelties in the Social Media Assemblage"

                                 Paula Harper


3:15pm            Break


3:30pm          Closing Discussion


4:00pm          Conference Adjourned

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